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North Pocono Youth Soccer League

Codes of Conduct

NPYSL Parents Code of Conduct


Soccer is an exciting, fast moving and fun game. Coaches, players and fans should remember that the objective is to have fun and learn the game of soccer. It is important to our soccer program that all participants conduct themselves in a positive and responsible manner.


The North Pocono Youth Soccer League will not tolerate behavior, which brings the Club, team, or game into disrepute. The Club believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees, the opposing players and the importance of winning vs. losing are of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short-term success rather than the long range benefits undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses which are inappropriate for children:

-        Encourage players to have fun at all times. Focus on praise and encouragement rather than on criticism and negative yelling.  Encourage your player by word and example. The athlete is counting on you as their primary teacher – in soccer and in life!

-        Applaud good plays by players on both teams. Let soccer be fun! Nothing is better than seeing a child smile from recognition.

-        Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship.

-        Parents must remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. Soccer is a team sport and without each player, there is no team.

-        After the game is over, ask your child “Did you have a fun?” and not “who won?” or “who scored?”

-        Attempt to reduce the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences.  Parents are to remember that this is a “learning experience” for players, and to support this experience, just as you would any other sport and school related activity.

-        Be kind and respectful to our coaches. Parents will support the coach and his or her decisions and will refrain from verbal criticism during any game. Remember, the coach makes the final decision regarding players on the field.

-        Do not publicly question the referee’s judgment, and never his or her honesty. The referee is a symbol of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship. Please remember, many of these referees are young adults learning how to referee the game, so please treat them with respect.  They are there to do an honest job, which few others are willing to undertake.

-        NEVER enter the field to speak with a referee. Speak to your coach or a club official if you have a concern.

-        Accept the results of the game. Encourage your child to be a good sport in victory and in defeat. Many times a player will not remember the results of a game an hour later but they will remember how they felt because of their own – and your actions. Remember the club does not keep track of the score of the game and also do not keep standings.

-        Parents will support the team and club by volunteering their services when needed. Volunteers are the corner stone of this program. Volunteers must submit a copy of their PA Criminal History Clearance, PA Child Abuse Clearance and FBI Criminal Background Clearance before volunteering.

-        Parents will only sit in designated areas around the field.  The only acceptable area is the sideline on the opposite side of the fields from the coaches and players.  Sitting along either end line or with the coaches and players is not allowed.  This is for your own safety and the safety of the players.

-        Parents will treat other fans, coaches, players, and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, or ability.

-        Drinking, smoking, foul language and firearms are not allowed around the fields during games or practices.  If you need to smoke, please find an area a significant distance away from all other parents, players, and coaches.


Failure to comply with the Parent Code of Conduct could result in removal from the fields, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.


NPYSL Player’s Code of Conduct


Players can often be responsible for the well-being and smooth functioning of a team. By following the Code of Ethics for Players, participants are able to be a strong positive influence on the entire season.



-        Try to develop my skills to the best of my ability and to give my best effort in competition. Personal development is a big part of soccer.

-        Compete within the rules of soccer. Winning isn’t everything.

-        Be respectful to coaches, referees, parents and players. Do not create an incident that would be cause for your removal from the game.

-        Be a positive influence on the team. Recognize that your behavior becomes a model others may choose to emulate. Good sportsmanship and positive support for your teammates, and others, is a necessity for all players.

-        Follow the team rules established by the coach. If the coach is constantly confronted with discipline problems, practices and games will not be fun for anyone.

-        Attend every practice and game that I can and will notify my coach if I cannot.

-        Alert my parents and/or coaches if soccer stops being fun or if I feel that I have not received a fair and equal amount of playing time.

-        Not allow practices and games to take precedence over school and homework. Soccer is a game. There are many things in life that are more important.


I hereby pledge to follow this Player’s Code of Conduct.

Coaches Code of Conduct

This Coach's Code of Conduct is applicable to each head coach and assistant coach of any team registered with the North Pocono Youth Soccer League (“NPYSL” or the “Club”).

1. Personal Conduct - I will aspire to achieve and maintain the highest levels of performance within a moral and ethical framework. My personal conduct on the field, and at all times in the presence of the players, shall be worthy of imitation by the players. I will instruct and supervise my players in accordance with the highest level of professionalism. I will maintain and exhibit poise, self-discipline and restraint during and after every game. I will treat each opposing team and its spectators with courtesy and fairness, and will avoid actions that will offend or embarrass players, parents, NPYSL, NEPSAY, the referees or myself. My conduct will not in any manner be conditioned on the conduct of the opposing team, the score of the match, the conduct of the opposing team’s coaches, parents or other spectators, nor will it be in any manner conditioned on my agreement or disagreement with calls or non-calls of the referee(s).

2. Compliance with Rules, Etc. - Anytime that I am engaged in any soccer-related activity, I will comply with all laws, as well as all applicable rules, policies, procedures and regulations of NPYSL, the North Pocono School District, the Town of Moscow, Elmhurst Township, Covington Township, Roaring Brook Township, NEPSAY, and SAY Soccer. 

3. Meetings - I will attend NPYSL coaches meetings when scheduled. I understand that if I do not attend the beginning of the season coaches meeting, I will not be able to coach a team. I will attend any equipment meetings.

4. Game Day Coaching - If I choose to coach from the sideline during a game, I will do so in a positive manner and only from the permitted area extending fifteen (15) yards on each side of the half-line. I will not walk onto the soccer field once the game has started unless the referee has allowed me to do so because of an injury or to discuss a matter. Further, I will not allow any coaching by any parent or other spectator. I will limit coaching to only myself and/or properly registered assistant coaches. No parents or spectators are permitted to be on the same side as the team during the game.

5. Sportsmanship - I will use my best efforts to make each player’s experience a positive, healthy, active and enjoyable one. I will always promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship by my conduct on and off the field, whether at practices, games, team meetings, or otherwise. Without limiting the generality of this requirement, in all games, I shall observe the "No Slaughter Rule" as follows: Once my team is ahead by four goals, I will take steps to encourage my players to play a possession game of soccer without scoring and/or remove individual players from the field altogether. I will remove dominant (highly skilled) players from the field and substitute them with players who are less dominant. I will supervise the players in a pre-planned manner. I understand that there may be negative repercussions with the NPYSL and NEPSAY if I fail to comply with the requirements of this paragraph.

6. Safety - One of the primary goals of the NPYSL is the safety and welfare of all players. SAY Soccer require no less than two adults (suggested as unrelated), per team, to be present at all team functions such as games, practices, picnics, etc. No Exceptions! Therefore, I will be responsible for the well being of every player on the field. I will never leave a child unattended. I will place the safety of players as the primary consideration. I will utilize common sense in training and game situations, taking into account such things as weather conditions, the physical fitness of the players, player injuries or complaints of pain or fatigue. I will insure that adequate supervision is present at every practice, and I will never deny a player an opportunity for water. I will take advantage of opportunities presented to me to receive concussion awareness training prior to conducting practices or coaching any game or scrimmage. I will take a refresher class every three years. Above all, I will never require, insist or even recommend that a player participate in a drill, game or other activity if the player states that he/she cannot continue or, based on my training and personal observation, I believe that the player’s health could be jeopardized by such participation.

7. Coaching Objectives - I will endeavor to provide instruction in the proper skills and rules pertaining to the game, recognizing that player development is our primary goal. I will employ positive feedback and constructive criticism at games and practices. I will be optimistic and encourage participation of all team members. I will use my best efforts to provide to each player the opportunity for individual growth and development. In addition, my basic objectives as a coach shall be:

(a) I will ensure that the players enjoy their experience and develop basic skills. Secondarily, I will introduce them to the concept of winning, and by my words and actions, educate them in the sportsmanship of winning as well as losing. 

(b) My concurrent goals will be to provide an atmosphere for fun and enjoyment, and to try your best. I will endeavor to balance these goals, thus never allowing my objective to win overshadow the objective of the players’ fun and enjoyment.

8. Playing Time - I will ensure fair playing time for all players. As a coach I will determine playing time for my players based on the situation of each game, but I will do my best to play all players on my team in each and every contest. I will insure that all players who are at the game will play a minimum of 50% of each game.

9. Referees - I will refrain from public criticism of the referees. I understand that referees are human and will occasionally make mistakes. I understand that this is part of the game. I acknowledge that referees are trained in the Laws of the Game and, more often than not, know the Laws of the Game. I will always accept the judgment of the referees no matter how difficult this might be in the midst of the game. I understand that the referee can remove others (or me) from the game and the fields of play if I, or a parent or spectator associated with my team violate any of Rules of the Game. Specifically, I understand that the violations for removal from the game include but are not limited to: (i) physical, mental or emotional abuse directed toward a child, official, opposing coach or spectator; (ii) abusive or offensive language directed toward a child, official, opposing coach or spectator; (iii) exhibition of dangerous or unethical behavior; (iv) repeated negative remarks, or other comments, or suggestions questioning the decisions and calls, or lack of decisions and calls by the referees; and/or (v) continued inability (that is after being asked once by an official) to control or prevent a parent or spectator from engaging in any of the above. Further, I understand that if asked by the referee to leave the game, I will be required to remove myself from the vicinity of the fields of play. I will thus have no visual contact with the players or spectators and in no way have anything further to do with the coaching of that game. Refusal to leave the game and fields of play will result in suspension of the game until I am in compliance. If removed from a game by the referee, I acknowledge that I will not be permitted to coach or be on the fields of play for the game following the game in which I was removed. Further, depending on the severity of my violation of this Code, I acknowledge that I could be subject to sanctions from NPYSL, including, but not necessarily limited to probation, suspension, or termination as a coach.

10. Incident Reports, Game Reports, Etc. - I will notify my division commissioner of any incidents or injuries that has occurred during a game or practice. I understand that if any player, coach or spectator is injured (to the extent requiring more than basic on-site first aid), ejected, or receives a red or yellow card during a practice, scrimmage, or game, I will notify my division commissioner and email an incident report as well.  Additionally, I understand that I have a responsibility to notify the Club (Division Commissioner, District Rep and VP of the club) of any events or circumstances which, having occurred, could in any manner conceivably impact on NPYSL.

11. Contacts with other districts, Etc. - I understand that contact with officials and/or representatives of NEPSAY with regards to issues involving NPYSL, the team with which I am involved or any member of NPYSL shall be limited to individuals designated by the Club. If there is a matter that I feel should be brought to the attention of any of the foregoing, I will make a request to the appropriate Commissioner, in writing, with a copy to the District Representative, as soon as practicable after the event or circumstances giving rise to my request. I acknowledge that the decision as to whether to bring the matter to the attention of the applicable organization shall be made by NPYSL in its sole and absolute discretion.

12. Consequences of Violations - I agree that if, in the sole and exclusive determination of the NPYSL Board of Directors, I fail to follow the above Code of Conduct in any manner, NPYSL may immediately terminate my coaching assignment. I understand the Club may at its sole option take other action, and I will abide by this decision. Such actions may include, but not necessarily limited to probation, suspension or ban from NPYSL.



Signature                                                                                                                                                              Date


North Pocono Youth Soccer League

PO Box 108 
Moscow, Pennsylvania 18444

Phone: 272-772-1801
Email: [email protected]

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